Thursday, December 5, 2013

The next big thing...

Something happened; my dad says I drank the cool-aid, others say I'm crazy.  But after reflecting on my first season of doing triathlons and finally becoming a triathlete, I wanted to do more.  Next step for me...a half Ironman!  That is right, I am excited to announce that I am officially registered for Augusta 70.3 IM.  There's no turning back. Let the journey begin. #RoadToAugusta703

Tough Mudder

Fun, Friends, Mud, & Miles...enter Tough Mudder.

I've been wanting to do the Tough Mudder challenge for about 2 years now.  But not too many people want to spend their Saturday morning running nearly 13 miles, in mud and water, and...oh by the way, lots of obstacles.  And lots of tall obstacles. Lucky for me, I met a couple crazy MBA classmates that were crazy enough to take on the challenge (willingly).

Happy, clean faces at the start of the race and decked out in our Gator gear.

We barely even began and the mud started; plenty of mud.
No monkeying around here.
The carry.  Finally a challenge wear my leg strength helped. Thank goodness we had some tough dudes on our team, lots of upper body strength challenges.

Oh look, then there was more mud running.
And some "walking the plank."
But no challenge was too big for us (approaching the finish line).
Finally, what we really came her for...the free beer.

Surprise, Surprise! (IMNC Part 1)

This time last year, I was devastated. I literally felt like my world ended. I don't recall ever feeling such shame in my life. I went f...