I've been dreading this post for so long; mostly embarrassed by the time it took me to finish the marathon. Until recently, I decided I just wouldn't speak of this race; and I knew that with time everyone else would forget too. But then I realized...I FINISHED a marathon. That is pretty great in itself.
Here is a look at the day through pictures.
The morning of the race, Josh was in full Christmas spirit and I struggled to keep that smile covering up all the nerves and crazy thoughts going through my mind.
Running through the start line help alleviate most of my nerves and we began our journey.
Still smiles as we cross the 5K mark.
The sun began to come up and the crowd began to thin.
At the half marathon point, we were doing great. Holding steady with the pace we wanted, still moving along and still in high spirits. I thought I had this in the bag. But as we got closer to the 17 mile mark, my foot started to ache and I slowed a bit...okay a lot more than a bit, I felt like I was walking on a broken foot. And with every step, I got closer and closer to quitting. In fact I encouraged Josh to run his race, he was still killing it. Josh took off and we agreed to meet at the 18 mile point. Right before that mark, I sat down with a few cops patrolling the race and said, "I quit." I even asked them to arrange me transportation to the finish, where I could wait for Josh to finish. But I could see him waiting ahead and decided I better tell him the bad news before he waited any longer on me. As I caught up to him, I knew he could tell I was hurting but he wouldn't let me quit. We argued how close/far the finish line was. He argument...only 8 to go, we've already done 18. My argument, it was EIGHT more miles. But then as all the volunteers at the water stop were cheering for us and encouraging me to continue...I decided to suck it up and keep going. I mean I couldn't let Josh become a marathoner and not do it myself. He was gracious enough to stay with me for those last 8 miles as I struggled to even get a mild jog going.

As we rounded the corner and came into the stadium, you could see the pain in my face as I mustered up a slow jog to the finish.
Not sure if this is a fake smile or a smile of relief that the finish line was in sight.
AND FINISHED! That was brutal.
Josh finished just before me, so that on record it shows he won. He definitely could have finished a good 15-30 minutes faster if he didn't walk with me those last 8 miles. (He also won the "Best Husband of 2012" award that day.)
Barely smiling. I was saying "never again" at this very moment...but I change my mind a lot. :)
Proof that we finished.